How It Works

Hassle-Free US Shipping to Ghana in 3 easy steps

Order your items online

Follow intructions on having them delivered to our USA RTG sattelite office

Receive your items in Ghana

Order Now
Price: $200 – Up to 200 pounds

Order restrictions:
No explosives, firearms, weapons, flammable materials, fireworks, pets, living or dead animals, nor cold-storage items. Click here to read full list of restrictions


No customs rip offs or bribes


No port hassles


No huge delays

Avoid customs rip-offs, bribes, port hassles, and huge delays Get Safe Affordable Convenient Reliable US Barrel shipping to Ghana
If you’ve tried ordering on Amazon and other websites just to find out they don’t ship to Ghana or or will charge huge delivery fees, there are alternatives to DHL, UPS, and standard shipping solutions.

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How tall can my items be?

30 inches

How wide can my items be?

20 inches

Can I include multiple items?

Yes, as long as they all fit in the same container?

Will my items arrive in the boxes they were shipped in?

You have the option of the items being unboxed to make space or coming in original boxes?

If I bought something, receive it, need to return it to the USA can you return it for me?

We ship exclusively from the US to Ghana.

Order Now
Price: $200 – Up to 200 pounds

Order restrictions:
No explosives, firearms, weapons, flammable materials, fireworks, pets, living or dead animals, nor cold-storage items. Click here to read full list of restrictions