Doing it alone and assuming that its just like moving to a new city or state in the United States. Going it alone can be expensive and not just in the monetary sense. Repatriate to Ghana is here to help make this process as smooth as possible.

The language. Communication with locals is vital and then many in the metropolitan areas speak English knowing Twi will take you further faster.

Yes. Continuing education Twi lessons are included in the packages. You can pick whether you want to be conversational, fluent or native-speaker level mastery.

That all depends on which part of the country you want to move to and the kind of lifestyle you want to have once you settle in Ghana. There are several factors that will help us make a recommendation about the best savings amount for you. We’ll review the details in your first consultation and show you your options.

Close your eyes. Take three deep breaths. And then open your eyes again. Repatriate to Ghana was founded to help Diaporian Afrikans just like you make the move in the best transition possible. Feeling overwhelmed at first is normal. Our on the ground support and video meetings with you are designed to alleviate the stress of moving. Schedule your first consultation and you will already start to feel better.

Take the moving readiness assessment so we can know the best way to get you going. Click Start below to get started.

Yes, based on hardship service fees can be broken down into three automated payments.

Yes. One of our major facilitators became one of the first Citizens by Presidential Mandate in 2016 and has contributed to hundreds of others having their citizenship restored. 

Think of buying land in the United States. There are limitless options that vary by city or state. Similarly, there are limitless options depending on region. We will make recommendations for the best place that meets your needs.

Yes. There are preferred hospitals and naturopathic doctors we can recommend.

Yes. We can provide you with information on the types of internationally recognized health insurance policies that would be best for you, your children, and your compliment (significant other), as well as the best hospitals and referrals for reputable (holistic) health physicians.

Welcome to Repatriate to Ghana

It takes a lot of self-determination to transplant yourself in a country you are rooted to but the enslavement process disconnected you from. So many have underestimated the challenges this kind of move can bring. Some have ended up moving back out after not being able to sustain.

Repatriate to Ghana is here to introduce you to not just repatriates but repatriates who are thriving and making a difference in Ghana.

Proceeds from this project fund African-centered education projects and make it possible for others like you to take the same steps.

Wanna See How Ready for life in Ghana you are?

Moving to Ghana

We are you—we wanted to figure out how to move to Ghana. We are a self-determined collective of Black repatriates—community leaders, elders, teachers, linguists, business owners, artists, etc.—that provide our collective wisdom about the repatriation process and Ghanaian life to make it easier for Blacks from the Diaspora to return home. After moving to Ghana, Africa, we offer personal guidance so you can avoid costly mistakes and save time on lengthy processes. We connect you to our valuable network, practical resources, and in-depth guides for a smoother move to the motherland. Instead of hours of research trying to piece together your move from scarce online sources, we guide you step-by-step through a transition we have experienced personally.

Choose your Path

We believe in Defending Your Self-Determination

As Afrikans of the Diaspora, we truly believe it is time for us to reclaim our birthright connection to our homeland and reconnect with our long lost brothers and sisters and make Afrika great again. For those of us ready to come home and step into our destiny, Repatriate to Ghana was created to protect and support you and you defend your self-determination.

Choose your Path

Helping You Come Fit In Where You Belong
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